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Looking for authentic community of Jesus followers that is both big and small?

What is Catalyst?

Catalyst is a network of in-person and online groups that meet across southern Ontario and use video technology to connect our network live on Sunday mornings.  

We are one church, in many locations, using less of our God's money on buildings and salaries and more of our budget on serving our communities. 
Each of our groups collaborate, plan, and run their own community service project one month, and an invite a friend outreach the next.
We gather all our groups together one Sunday per month for a worship service at a centrally located place

Our Why
Because we are passionate about... 

*peer to peer discipleship through authentic community

*building authentic relationships with people outside the church

*reproducing Ekklesia (the word Jesus used that is translated to "church") in a scalable and sustainable way

*being the hands and feet of Jesus in our cities as we serve

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Do you sense God's leading to use your gifts and experience in a church model that better resembles the early church?  We are praying for God to help us connect with lay people across Ontario that seeking to plug in and serve in one of the following areas.

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Collaborate with and coach our Elder team on how to scale expansion of our network across Ontario

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Help host our online and in person gatherings, or serve on our video team, editing team, & sound tech team

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Collaborate with our Elder team to develop a house church leadership pipeline of house church leaders as well as discussion facilitators. 

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Help put "social" back in social media and invite people in our cities into the story of what God is doing

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Help explore and plan serving opportunities in our region for house churches in our network 

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Participate in our worship ministry online and in person


Learn more by exploring the pages below, or reach out to Mike Hauser to schedule a coffee or zoom call.
Mike Hauser,, or call 289.427.5959

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