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What is a CATALYST Group?

A Catalyst Group is a missional community (defined here) that fosters belonging, conversations, hospitality, and generosity.  
-We learn about the person and teachings of Jesus and discuss how to live out His teachings in our daily lives. 
-We pray for one another and for our friends who haven't yet experienced God's love for them
-We serve one another using the talents, skills, and life experience God has given us
-We celebrate how we have discovered and met needs in the lives of people in our workplaces, our neighbourhoods and in our communities.
-We enjoy a meal togethe
r (groups collaborate on the lunch details), laugh together, and encourage one another
-We engage in community service projects multiple weeks per month
 (examples may include: doing food drives for local food banks, serving a local school, serving at a retirement home, planning a neighbourhood block party/bbq, walking alongside a recently immigrated person or family)


Typical Schedule for a Sunday Morning Catalyst Group

10:00am-10:30am, Arrive at host home, enjoy coffee & fellowship


10:30am-10:35am, Watch welcome and reminders video on Youtube 


10:35am-11:05am, Celebrate how we have BLESS'ed people in the past week and share prayer requests with one another

(BLESS is an acronym that stands for Begin with prayer, Listen to our non-Christian friends....get to know interested in their life with no agenda other than to love them, Eat a meal with them, Serve them in any practical way you can, and as appropriate, Share your story with them (the difference God makes in your life and the difference experiencing authentic community at Catalyst makes in your life)


11:05am-11:10am, Worship Video 


11:10am-12pm, Message video from Pastor Mike with 3-4 conversation questions built into the message video

12:00pm-1:00pm, Lunch Together (groups decide for themselves how this is done each week) 

See examples of the types of questions we discuss in Catalyst Groups here

Once per month, all of our Catalyst groups gather to worship together at Loyola Secondary School in Oakville before we enjoy lunch together (Such as Longos Deli Sandwiches for adults and Pizza for the kids etc.) and breakout into team huddles for a brief time of equipping, fellowship, and encouragement (learn more here about our team huddles).

CATALYST Example Month Web - 1.jpeg

How do I get plugged into a Catalyst Group?

First time guests are encouraged and invited to join us at our monthly worship service at Loyola Secondary School (See date for our next Worship Service Here), or contact our lead equipper, Mike Hauser, to meet for coffee and Mike can help plug you into a group after meeting.  Mike can be reached by phone at 289.427.5959 or via email at

We welcome anyone who would like to join us for this journey, but we also recognize that we have a unique approach to church that may not appeal to everyone.  Please check out our "You'll Love Us If..." page to see if we might be a good fit for you.

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